Trinity St Mary's CE Primary School

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Year 5


"There is a supportive family feel to the school, and pastoral care is a key strength. Most parents are happy with the school and agree that their children are happy, safe and making good progress."                                                                                                                Ofsted 2017

Welcome to Year 5! This year we will be focusing on making children feel safe and happy to come to school. We have worked extremely hard to create a fun and interactive curriculum for your child and would love the support from home. In Kenya class, your child is now one of the eldest in the school and will take on the additional responsibility of being a positive role model for the younger children.


Please see the reminders below to help ensure a successful school year.


Reading: The children should be reading daily, with an adult whenever possible or independently if necessary. They should record their reading in their reading record whenever they have read and bring that reading record into school every day. An adult will be checking the children's reading records each morning - children who do not read at home consistently will be asked to read for five minutes at break time. If children continuously fail to read at home, a letter will be sent home. Reading is a vital component to a child’s understanding of text and should be enforced at home, even if it’s for 10 minutes.


Spellings: Children will receive their spellings on a Monday and will be tested the following Monday. These spellings will be linked to the spelling pattern being explored within the classroom and or Year 5 common exception words.


Homework: If you have requested homework for your child, there will be two additional pieces of homework to be  completed by Monday. 


P.E.: Our PE lessons will be on a Wednesday afternoons and children are expected to have full PE kit each lesson. This consists of, house-coloured tops, school blue shorts or black tracksuit bottoms in the winter and suitable trainers and plimsolls.


If you have any questions or concerns and would like to discuss them with me, please do not hesitate to arrange a meeting with the office or sending a letter with your child.


Kind regards,

Miss Kalim


Kenya inspired art work

Apple workshop at Battersea Power Station
