Trinity St Mary's CE Primary School

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Year 3

Kindness, Unity & Courage 


"There is a supportive family feel to the school, and pastoral care is a key strength. Most parents are happy with the school and agree that their children are happy, safe and making good progress."

                                Ofsted March 2017

Welcome to Year 3 - the first year of Key Stage 2. This year we will be working very hard and covering a great deal of work with lots of fun along the way. 

Spellings: Spellings will be sent out every Wednesday and are based on the National Curriculum spelling patterns for Year 3. Children will be tested on the following Wednesday. Please help your child to practise their spellings at home. Please find all the spellings below in case the book has not been returned home/ spellings are not stuck in for whatever reason. 

Timetables: Timetables will be tested every Monday. By the end of Year 3 all children should know by heart their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. Please practise with your child to aid their learning – Hit the Button or the Top Marks website is a great way to engage the children at home.

Reading: Children are expected to read with an adult every night and have their reading records signed to reflect this. Reading books will be changed on Mondays and Wednesdays, but children should be bringing them into school everyday. If they are not in on these specific days then their books may not be changed.

P.E: Our PE lessons are on a Tuesday; please ensure your child has a full PE kit, which consists of their house coloured top, blue shorts or black leggings/tracksuit and trainers. 

Our swimming lessons are on Wednesdays. Please ensure children have the correct swimming kit, which consists of a swimming costume/trunks, goggles, swimming hat, towel and flip flops/sliders as well as a healthy packed lunch to have when we return to school. 

Homework: Homework books will be sent out every Wednesday, for those children who signed and returned the form. The homework books need to be brought in on Tuesday/Wednesday so they can be checked and have new homework stuck in ready to be handed out on the Wednesday. If anyone is struggling with the homework, this should give you/your child time to message me/ come and see me so that I can talk them through it. Please note that if your child forgets to return or complete their homework three times in a row, we will assume that they no longer want it and will remove them from the list. Daily reading, spelling and timetable practice still needs to take place.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to make an appointment to see me after school.

Miss Shackell laugh


Spellings - changed weekly. 


The spelling group for your child is written in their homework book. 

They should also aim to learn these statutory spellings by the end of Year 3.



