Trinity St Mary's CE Primary School

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Parent Teacher Association

Kindness, Unity & Courage

Trinity St Mary’s has always benefited from an active and supportive PTA, which, over the years, has given most generously to the school. Their enthusiasm and dedication in supporting the school reflects the team spirit we have at the school – everyone working together to provide the best possible education for the children.  

The PTA is not an exclusive club - in fact we would really like you to help make our events a success. Our PTA is made up of parents, carers and staff and governors who volunteer to organise and run activities to raise funds for both school and create socialising opportunities for our families. Events are held throughout the year and are always well attended and great fun. 

These include:

Summer Fair
Christmas Shop & Christmas Grotto
Easter & Christmas raffles
Cake Sales
Sweet shops
Quiz Nights
Break the Rules Days
Penny Wars
Valentine & Bonfire Discos


The work of the PTA has raised funds to provide those ‘icing on the cake’ extras that often make learning more exciting and rewarding.  The items include:

Playground furniture
Christmas Grotto gifts
Costumes & Props for the Christmas Nativity & other productions
School journey coach

Special class treats


At the moment we are saving very hard so, that in addition to all the above, we can develop the front and back playgrounds and contribute towards a new pathway at the front of the school. Any and all donations are received with grateful thanks from all our TSM family. 

We consider all of our parents to be part of the PTA and always welcome the involvement of new parents and new ideas. Please contact us on to get involved.
