Collective Worship and Eucharist
Kindness, Unity & Courage
‘Collective worship is distinctly Christian and absolutely central to the life of the school. Pupils of all denominations, faith and no faith, including the very youngest, find worship meaningful, interesting and enjoyable.’
SIAMs Inspection 2017
As part of Trinity St Mary's vision, we encourage children to share moral values and celebrate our Christian distinctiveness. Collective Worship at TSM holds a special place in our school day. Children and staff take the time in each collective worship to reflect on the values held by themselves and the school. Each collective worship holds a special purpose while maintaining the school's vision and Christian distinctiveness. Each collective worship begins with the same liturgy to ensure a sense of collective value. The leader of the worship begins by choosing a child to light the candle to signify that Holy time and a quiet space of reflection has begun and says the words:
"Christ, the light of the world, is here."
Children respond with:
"Lord Jesus shine on us."
School song:
At TSM, we have a school song that we sing during some of our collective worships alongside a mixture of hymns and popular songs.
As a school, we hold a collective worship every day in the morning. Each day's collective worship holds a special purpose:
Monday: Our lovely music teacher will lead music collective worship with the whole school. During that time, hymns are sung as well as enjoying a range of other music.
Tuesday: Merit collective worships take place together. During this time, children are chosen to receive a merit based on their effort, values shown or inspiring events. Children take time to reflect on their week altogether.
Wednesday: Children come together to sing a collection of songs for Church and take time to reflect.
Thursday: Collective worship on Thursday takes place in our Church and is led by Father Jonathan. During this time, there will be a reading from the Bible led by children, a discussion of the meaning and prayers written by the children.
Friday: Deep thinker sheet for deeper reflection on their Church service the previous day.
Themes of Collective Worship:
Each term there is a Collective Worship rota based on the Church calendar and on the Bible. These themes include:
- People that Jesus meets
- Advent and Christmas
- The words of Jesus
- Holy Week and Easter
- The parables of Jesus
- The miracles of Jesus
Eucharist at St. Mary & St. John the Divine:
Each half term, one of the Thursday Collective Worships, is a Eucharist service for the school. During the service, children participate in learning about the importance Eucharist holds in Christian worship. During the service, children, parents and staff can take Holy Communion or receive a Christian blessing. At the beginning of the year, letters are sent to parents to choose if they would like their child to receive Holy Communion, a Christian blessing or neither.
In the Autumn term, any parents who would like their baptised child to take Communion classes, are offered communion lessons by Father Jonathan at our school church. These take place after school one day a week for 3/4 weeks. These children are then invited to a Sunday service at St. Mary & St. John the Divine Church around All Saints Day. For further information on the Eucharist service and letters sent to parents, please see below.