Year 2
Kindness, Unity & Courage
"There is a supportive family feel to the school, and pastoral care is a key strength. Most parents are happy with the school and agree that their children are happy, safe and making good progress."
Ofsted March 2017
Thailand Class
Hello and welcome to Year 2! This year is an important academic milestone as it marks the final year in Key Stage 1. There will be lots of fun and exciting learning to do this year and I look forward to supporting your child on their journey as we work our way towards Key Stage 2.
Below are a few helpful reminders to make this year as successful as possible:
P.E: P.E. lessons will be on Wednesdays. P.E. kits must include: suitable foot wear (plain black trainers or plimsolls), a t-shirt, (in your house colour) and blue shorts or plain dark-coloured tracksuit bottoms (in the winter). Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school each week.
Homework: Homework will be sent out every Thursday inside your child’s homework book. Homework needs to be handed in every Wednesday for marking.
Spellings: Spellings will be handed out on a Friday and tested the following Friday morning. Spellings will include a combination of the Year 2 common exception words, words containing key spelling patterns as set out in the Year 2 curriculum and/or relate to the phonic sounds being practised in class. They may also be set key words from the current topic being studied. Please make sure their spelling books are brought to school each Friday for their new set of spellings. I would recommend it accompany their reading book, which should come into school each day.
Times tables: Children in Year 2 need to know their 2, 5,10 and 3 times tables - in order and at random as well as the inverse (division) facts. E.g. 15 ÷ 5 = 3. Please practise these regularly at home with your child.
Reading: Please hear your child read daily or as often a possible throughout the week. A comment should be written in your child’s reading record at least once a week. Your child’s reading record and book should be brought into school every day and will be changed on a Monday and Thursday.
Thank you for your on-going support. Should you have any other questions or concerns, or simply wish to discuss your child’s learning, please make an appointment to see me through the office staff.
Kind regards,
Mrs Morgan